Wednesday 6 June 2007

The Thoughts Abroad - Local Mindsets

Local Mindsets

I’ve tried to be honest
Tried to find a way
Not to be “That American”

I don’t eat at McDonalds
I don’t fight for the war
But still it comes out

It’s the hanging off of a train
Enjoying the wind pass though my hair
Finding contentment

Also, its the brashness of protection
The killer instinct
The wanting of need (purpose)

I believe it is more than “American”
It is a healthy male soul
Maybe just not seeing the total picture

In a country torn apart
A man helps and asks for money
Apparently, what was given was not fitting for the action

His pride and ignorance rose up with his voice
(Directed to the bestowing women)
And I soon met him with an action

Was the action “right”? (I’m not in my country, I’m in his)
But no doubt classified “American”
Why the classification?

Should it not just be a just action?
(Towards a coward raising and forcing his voice on a woman)
Thats the 22

What was he trying to do?
I didn’t know his language
I think I know what he was after

He didn’t want glory
Didn’t want pity
No, he didn’t even want money

He wanted to be right
To be justified
To be acknowledged for his inadequacies

Is that pity?
No, its being self-righteous
Only by verbally assaulting a woman, did he attempt to find it

Am I self righteous for saying so?
Maybe, not because I expose but because I position
How easy is it to classify others who are vulnerable?

I think it is solved by constantly seeking to understand
Not to dismiss by with a fashionable opinion
But to put on an old, worn out pair of shoes

Swiss Breeze

The lake is quiet
The mood is slow
And the water is calm

A quick move by a sailor
A pour of wine
And the gaze of a girl

Where am I?
In my own world
Away from others and their ideals

But this time is ticking away
A vibrant picture fading to black and white
All I want is to stay in color

What holds me back?
The oppression of my own rational
When a large shadow is cast, the plants wither

I dare not converse with the time keeper
He only bares news of entrapment
Closer with every tick

Who bears news of freedom?
That same timekeeper
It all depends on the need

What makes this so good?
The view of a lake, an old boat, rolling hills, smooth jazz, a good wine, and solitude
These are the things that make a paradise

After all, this is what recharges a life
The curse of reality is knocking
Too bad there is no snooze for life

For now, the world envies me
But I will soon join them
Let me have my time

Hidden in a cove I enjoy my peace
In the glistening water and green hills I find my awe
In the dome and foreign language I find my interest

(In the moment I find my escape)

Freely Ignorant

When we go abroad we enter another world, another home, another culture. Everywhere we go in today’s world we are noticed, not because of our dress, not because of our thoughts, but because of our actions.
Actions that are a disgrace to our founding fathers and the fighting of our grandfathers.
Actions that consist of: Blatant laziness, not being prepared, not taking ownership of your own actions, don’t blame a different way of thinking.

Nobody cares how much you know
People don’t want to see your excuse for comfort
Only you want to hear you ask a question that you know the answer to because the right answer is your own opinion

Feel free to not talk on your cell phone in front of the Last Supper
Feel free to not say “oh wow” or I don’t get it” every time you see something new or different
Feel free to blend in and enjoy the culture you are immersed in

Don’t eat fast food
Don’t tell everybody where you’re from
Don’t blatantly abuse the language

Make an effort to appreciate the differences
Make an effort to learn the culture
Make an effort to not stand out

Use your brain not your mouth
Use your eyes not your book
Use your thoughts not your feelings

Things may taste funny
People may sound different
It may be uncomfortable
(But that doesn’t give you license to comment on it)

Thinking is better than talking
Looking is better than critiquing
Silence is better than noise

Keep your comments to yourself
Keep your prejudgments to a zero
Keep your wants separate from your needs

Don’t blame me for others disposition
Don’t scar your country with your judgments
Don’t choose an open mouth over a closed one

An open mouth forcing ideals
Forcing actions
Forcing yourself on others
(These are the worst)

Show acceptance
Show gratitude
Show no right of passage

A righteous anger is showed
A hateful thought is deserved
A drastic change is needed

The change is long
The change is a logic
The change is a love

A love of respect
A love of rational
A love of relation

Do some discovering of your own
Answer your own questions
Because the answer is in the question or in front of you

Do something that takes you out of your comfort zone and don’t tell everybody how hard it is. It is your own growth and personal education
If you are the man, take the responsibility
Don’t rely on others to do your job of leading and providing. Get over yourself and do your God given assignment

You make safety
You make awkwardness
You make enemies

You make comfort
You make fun
You make hospitality

Find a new obsession
Find a new view
Find a new reason

I dare you to get over your ignorance
I dare you to learn a new way
I dare you to try

So, those of us who get it, we have to live though your shadow, because it is the largest.
We try to fix things, but we are still known as “That American”. So, next time think before you desecrate our name.

Don’t get me started

(Beauty lies not in the perfectly manicured tourist destinations, but in the lives of the average people) – Kira McMurran

How dare you condemn an infraction that is less than yours, especially one that is of you youth when you are aged. Don’t look in the mirror, it might show the real sin. If everybody sins is it still wrong? Or if everybody is addicted, do we call it a way of life? The inspection must be case by case, individual by individual. But by no means does that qualify the condemnation.